The NGSO is organizing a second Mock Qualifying Exam night this Wednesday, December 3, 2014 from 5-8 pm for the remaining second year students who will be defending their qualifying exams this winter.
If you have already taken and passed your qualifying exam, would you be willing to donate your time to help these students with their qualifying exams?
Essentially, your job would be to channel your PI and ask some of the tough questions the students might face during their exam. You will also be asked to jot down a few notes of written feedback that will be given to the students. Ideally, each student would present for 15 minutes and face 15 minutes of questions.
FOOD will be provided, so please let us know what you would like.
We really need volunteers! Please respond to samantha.kee@phd.einstein.yu.edu ASAP if you will be able to come and indicate any food preference. We really appreciate your help with this!